
Relief from trauma is taking too long.

You’ve been in talk therapy for several months or even years. It has helped you understand why you struggle the way you do. As a result of that help, you’ve developed ways to cope with the overwhelming thoughts and feelings.

But you’re not feeling better. Those past events still linger, making it hard to experience relief. You ask yourself – “How much longer will this take?”

Right now, you’re hanging on by a thread. Something has gotta give! You’re ready for something different.

Adverse and traumatic life events can become imprinted in our brains and stored in our bodies. We experience them as psychological or somatic symptoms, such as anxiety, chronic overwhelm, or even physical pain. In such cases, talk therapy may not be enough.

Brainspotting helps you process trauma and find relief.

Brainspotting is a form of therapy that involves visual focus or eye positions to connect with physiological and emotional memories and release them. It allows us access beyond the conscious mind while working with the nervous system to reprogram the conditioned response of our brain and body. The process is like accessing a power source within yourself to heal yourself.

The foundation of this profound method begins with my attunement to you. Journeying together through this process, you’ll become aware of the subtle yet significant changes within yourself.

Relief and resolution will begin to integrate internally and externally – within your Self, and in the various ways you experience the world around you. You’ll sense it from deep within, beyond the layers of cognitions and emotions.

Imagine the possibilities of tapping directly into your healing power source and feeling better for a change.

Brainspotting can help identify and eliminate those unresolved feelings. Call me today at (310) 567-4878 to get started!